December 30 /

Creating awareness and attention means nothing in a world where loyalty and relevant meaning is the currency. Of course the world is more nuanced than…

Read the PostAwareness Means Nothing

December 29 /

There is a difference between Ideas and Ad Ideas. Brands need big ideas and this isn’t usually the latter of the two. Robert Campbell over…

Read the PostBig Ideas and Ad Ideas

December 26 /

George Oates shares of her experience from working with since it’s launch. (via CommunityGuy) “People don’t like being told what to do . We…

Read the PostCollaborative Wisdom

December 26 /

As participants’ worlds fragment across a range of platforms, arenas, channels and screens, brands are met with the opportunity to build behind a bigger idea.…

Read the PostA Bigger Big Idea

December 24 /
December 23 /
December 23 /
December 19 /

How can we generate better consumer data, and what kind of useful knowledge do agencies need in order to become better problem solvers online? There…

Read the PostBetter decision making

December 19 /

What can and should designers learn from service design? A long but content rich post over at the Copenhagen Institue of Interaction Design explains it…

Read the Post12 tips on service design

December 17 /
December 17 /
December 15 /

Now, I’m a TikiTag kind of guy, but Violet finally released their addition to the Internet of things, their Mir:ror Unfortunately their price is really…

Read the PostThe mir:ror

December 15 /

Paul Dawson and Matthew Adams from Conchango presents the Tesco Online Retail Store on the HP Touch Smart. “The goal of the WPF-based application is…

Read the PostRedefining Online Shopping

December 13 /
December 13 /
December 10 /

People don’t care about your brand all the time, they care about it sometimes. And that is the moment it’s important to start the conversation.…

Read the PostThey care sometimes

December 10 /

A quote from this video about the Science Commons does a brilliant job at explaining why we should continue blogging :o) “Because the world is…

Read the PostWhen we share things

December 9 /
December 9 /

Gareth Kay over at brand new publishes his chart deck from a presentation he held in Brazil, where he argues that “Planning needs some Planning“.…

Read the PostSome of our own medicine

December 8 /

I forgot to write about this earlier, but reading the last post from [Paul Isakson] reminded my of the natural extension to my previous post…

Read the PostDo it!

December 8 /

According to research from Microsoft Advertising and Synovate, young adults are more similar to their grandparents than their parents . And far from as exotic…

Read the PostNot what you’d excpect

December 8 /

Adrian Ho over at Zeus Jones has a brilliant take on the move from message centered advertising to services focused marketing. The presentation to a…

Read the PostExplaining the difference

December 7 /

If your whole network on Facebook is built around its current applications and opportunities . Will everything change with Facebook Connect, as the information poured…

Read the PostWill Facebook eat itself?

December 7 /

There is every opportunity to learn more about your brand than you ever have done before – through the voices of your customers and participants…

Read the PostEnjoy it

December 7 /
December 4 /

What can you do when everything is free? Generatives.. Kevin Kelly publishes an interesting manifesto on changeThis titled “Better than Free”. In which he argues…

Read the PostBetter Than Free

December 2 /
December 2 /

I have a deep fascination for future concept videos. Here are two beautiful specimens from Microsoft. The first one is much recommended, it’s a future…

Read the PostFuture visions

November 30 /

“Real space is a new interface to the Internet.” The Sekai Camera “ups” it one more notch. As the name of the app suggests, Sekai…

Read the PostThe new interface

November 30 /
November 30 /
November 27 /

I just finished Malcom Gladwells’ newest book Outliers. In the book Gladwell proposes that successful individuals owe their result to a series of fortunate incidents.…

Read the PostAre Brands Outliers?

November 25 /

Marketing is all about value, and messaging is only one part of this – anxiety generic viagra 31Cardiac Status Evaluation (11). . Another part is…

Read the PostIdeas of culture

November 24 /

PSFK published a video from their Good Ideas in 2009 talks. This one concerning mobile. I especially appreciate the thoughts on: 1. How we are…

Read the PostBe where we are

November 20 /