Content Marketing = Brand New Marketing?

2008 is all about a range of different ideas finally maturing, affecting each other and fusing together, changing the way brands connect to their customers.

[slideshare id=459696&doc=contentmarketingslideshare-1213135180137165-8&w=425]

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The slideshow “Content Marketing = Brand new Marketing?”, published on tries to explain a range of ideas accumulating into a “new” form of marketing

Demonstrating the great potential of digital opportunities, and moving dollars and minds from the rather ineffective – and way to ominous – interruption marketing.

The angle I decided on was not saying that this is THE new thing, but rather finding the reasons why this is happening right now, and showing that this is a natural consequence of a larger set of trends and ideas.

The six important ideas/trends for Content Marketers are:

  1. Culture
  2. Technology
  3. Mobility
  4. Activity
  5. Ineffective
  6. Emotional Research

Please have a look at the slideshow, any feedback would me greatly appreciated.


  1. July 12

    hi, liked your slides. Found them though Paul Isakson + shared on my blog. thanks,


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