In a new video from WIRED, presenting their new magazine/tablet concept, they suggest some solutions to a series of opportunities in digital publishing.
First one is the fact that they’ve used print designers, a good idea obviously as having skilled experience and storytelling designers challenge and play with the interactive medium (and not the other way around – a UX guru who is asked to design some storytelling) provides some stunning results
. The magazine layout and experience speaks for itself..
- ”This is an opportunity we have been waiting for, for fifteen years. We have all these visual tools at our disposal, to tell all these stories, in a way that is efficient, that is multi-dimensional.”
– Chris Anderson, Editor and Chief, WIRED
Then it’s their focus on advertising as still being sponsorship placement, and not purchased editorial
. But seeing that advertising is such an important part of the audience / participant experience it needs the same thinking as any of the editorial content.
- ”The advertising is as important as the editorial, especially in Wired Magazine, and people come to Wired for the authority of the edit and the richness of the experience to learn about new products and services that our advertisers provide.”
– Scott Dadich, Creative Director, WIRED
From the video (below) this looks to create some great experiences. And integrates the advertising further into the total value of the publication
treatment. This low figure is expected to change radically cialis generic primary complaint (and / or) be associated with other.
According to Tom Himpe, in his book Advertising Next, the lack of space and time available to brands to tell their story and engage people in the richness of their marketing value proposition is one of the shortcomings of traditional media. And even though the potential for the interactive storytelling stuff hasn’t been explored all that much in this concept, inviting brands in to create these kinds of experiences gives them a lot more room and opportunity to create a valuable, memorable and remarkable experience.
The WIRED brand and the business model
Also, as pointed out by Chris Anderson; WIRED understands that the only way to earn money in publishing is by having a strong and identifiable brand with a unique offering
. It is crucial for WIRED to extend the existing brand identity and experience, in order to continue building the same audience/participant relationships as existing publications are.
- ”Our readers have relationships with brands, we have a great website, we have a great print magazine, and this is just adding one more avenue of communicating and connecting with the brand of WIRED”
– Scott Dadich, Creative Director, WIRED
This is applied all the way down to the content, where it is hoped that such a great and unique editorial experience will be something not found for free somewhere else and there will be a willingness to pay for it.
- ”But we also think its time to reset the economics. For the first time people might value this experience so much that they’ll pay for it”.
– Chris Anderson, Editor and Chief, WIRED
Find the article here and the video below or here