It’s not about Twitter, It’s About Extending Our Digital Language

If we are trying to understand how communication is changing / evolving / innovating we need to look at the bigger picture, not deconstruct the technological abilities of one tool.

    (in other words, I’m getting a bit tired of people criticizing Twitter for being Twitter, they are missing the point :o).

Online conversations are very limited. Expressions and ideas are forced into very strict, rigid formats. Limited by the complexity of contribution and/or the sameness of format within ONE conversation.

“Real-life” conversation on the other hand can continually change and take on any form it wants, can contain a range of “languages” like spoken language, tone of voice, body language, gesturing etc. And this is how we are used to communicating.

Online conversations isn’t even close to mimicking this behavior.


This forces some brilliant people to explore and develop alternatives, so that we are able to choose the right expression for the right occasion. So that digital moves from this format driven technological matrix, to a more fluent human based environment.

These alternatives are the new formats, and people are inventing them to give us a richer palette of opportunities and make us better at communicating

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. And by that Twitter is not about Twitter, it’s just one more opportunity, one more format, giving us a richer language in the conversations that technology, for now, are limiting.

Where is the sanity in criticizing that?

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  1. Brilliantly said, very true.

    Indeed, this can be extended even further to the tech-sceptiscist:
    The internet is not about the internet. It’s an integral part of our individual lives, and society in general.

    As for trends and fads, Twitter, Facebook or blogging may very well not last long. But not because their users are reverting to what they did before, but because they evolve and find even better services. So those who decide to stay outside because the new media trends will fade are sure to miss the next train as well.

  2. May 7

    Hi Sigurd, thanks for your contribution and valuable input.

    I found myself writing a longer response to your comment and put it into this post:

    But in short my perspective is that we are not changing how we are communicating, we are not moving forward and leaving people or companies “behind” us. We are expanding our toolbox. And those who don’t experiment with the new tools will be poorer when it comes to understanding how the new landscape allows us to change and enrich how we express ourselves and connect to peers, participants or customers.

    Thanks again for sharing :o)


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