The first ten years of digital was (to a large extent) the same siloed ideas that we’d already been exploiting for decades on other content…
Read the PostDigital didn’t change anything, but everything digital changed.
The first ten years of digital was (to a large extent) the same siloed ideas that we’d already been exploiting for decades on other content…
Read the PostDigital didn’t change anything, but everything digital changed.
We are as marketers and digital strategists to focused on the tools and arenas we want to be “on” rater than our job; to connect…
Held a presentation for APGNorway yesterday where I lightly touched upon five interesting topics concerning Digital Marketing: 1. Mobile: Which perspectives bring possibilities and which…
Jill Bolte Taylor tells the story of her stroke insight (as a brain scientist). This is strong • Neurological system cialis generic include its nonpharmacologic…
Two main traits of the human brain work together when creating brand preference: Energy conservancy and emotions. Where as the brains need to create preference…
Brandt and Berge both explain a lot of human (marketing related) behavior with the core message: “The brain is lazy” . Although the brains ability…
Read the PostThe brain is not lazy it’s a survival mechanism.