There is a commotion online with the internationally planningbloggers, in the lead Herd and Zeus. They are all taking about experiences, more powerful than words,…
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TechCrunch writes it up on the brand new advertising from showing an integrated fullservice searchapplication inside the browser . Which means: – Where Google…
Adliterate writes up some thoughts on interactive advertising from a planners perspective. I especially appreciate number 3: “3) The planning on display is often about…
Read the PostAdliterate on interactive advertising from a planners perspective
In accordance with me getting a new job at Screenplay as a Digital Planner / Strategic Director I found this poster at EuroIA extremely soothing…
Chris Anderson finally pull’s something more out of his Long Tail Theory (which frankly is only article-thick) about the underlying medical conditions that can result…
Google and Google Earth’s own Lat Long Blog informs of the possibility to find Geotagged videos from YouTube on thei tagged loacation inside Google Earth…
Read the PostYoyTube videos layer in Google Earth – endless possibilities?