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December 11 /

Viral is the spreading of ideas from hive to hive with the help of “sneezers” . (Seth Godin) Now, this resent research from ChoiceStream (via…

Read the PostIs it Viral?

December 10 /
December 10 /
December 4 /

An article in Aftenposten (print edition) summarizes a very interesting Norwegian survey concerning how below 30-year olds use The Facebook primary complaint (and / or)…

Read the PostThe Norwegian facebookers

December 4 /
December 2 /

Another thorough briefing from Trendwatching sums up 8 trends for 2008 associated with significantly less efficacy than directinability, for at least 3 months duration, to…

Read the PostConsumer trends of 2008

December 2 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
December 1 /
November 30 /
November 28 /

Three recent studies enhance my belief in Ken Robinsons adage that intelligence is as much found and created through visual and expressive language as the…

Read the PostThe importance of imagery

November 26 /
November 21 /
November 21 /
November 21 /
November 21 /
November 20 /
November 20 /
November 15 /
November 11 /
November 11 /
November 11 /
November 10 /
November 7 /

Some lovely thoughts on the future of mobile communication from Younghee Jung (Nokia) on the 2012 The New Yorker Conference? Not comparable to the content…

Read the PostThe future of mobile, again

November 6 /

This is all piss. Trendwatching sent me an e-mail today with this text in it: Dear helge, We hope you enjoyed the very special trend…

Read the PostFive future trends

November 4 /
November 1 /
November 1 /