Mobile is to Internet what TV is to Radio

Mobile is not a small scale internet platform. Even if it has a tiny screen and slower connection it still is a much richer device.

The reason for this being that the mobile handset is not a platform like any other we have seen yet. The PC, TV, Radio, Print are all just transmitters of language, be it text, audio or video. The mobile on the other hand operates on arenas with a whole new range of dimensions for communication. Language is just the part of the iceberg that remains visible above the surface

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Let me explain why I think it is richer:

1. It’s a remote control for the surrounding physical space. As Chinese architects of future cities have stated:

    “When the physical world becomes as interactive as the digital”.

This is also what Nokia describes as Pervasive Communication:

    “Nokia has already carried out a great deal of research in the field of pervasive communications and sees the fusing of the digital and physical worlds as a key objective in mobility.”

2. It’s not mass media, it’s my media. It is personal, and this demands a completely different way of thinking about storytelling. We are entering intimate spheres where the brand never consciously or interactively have been before.

3. It has the opportunity to communicate to you in a much richer context. Not just through a screen, but dependent on your location in space and time.

Where the Internet through the browser to a large extent is one dimensional, the mobile is multi dimensional. This requires a different mindset

The most important job for marketers will be figuring out how to move from story facilitators to brand communication connoisseurs. To reinterpret the role of the brand, and moving beyond tried and true techniques in familiar channels, exploring how create the best brand experiences on the new mobile arena.

UPDATE: I finally found the source behind the wording in the title. It’s Aki Spicer and Marty Wetherall of Fallon. (link)

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